Saturday, December 12, 2015

Student Spotlight #14: Lycee Ouzoud (Morocco)


Hello! My name is Chaima and I am 15 years old. 

I speak Arabic, French, English and a Berber language called Tamazight. 

In my family I am the baby. I have two sisters and one brother who are all older than me. One of my brothers is a soldier for the Moroccan army. 

Some words that describe me are shy, beautiful and frank

My hobby is travel! The three countries I would most like to visit are the USA, Italy and Great Britain. I hope I can go one day!

My favorite sport is basketball. The book I like the most is called Ki Fahi and it is a historical book about Adolf Hitler. 

I want to share with you that Morocco is a beautiful country and it is full of beautiful nature. It is a good place for tourists because it is calm and the people are good and gentle. 

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