Friday, December 4, 2015

Student Spotlight #12: Elkins Pointe Middle School (USA)


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My name is Daniel Acosta. I am 13 years old and was born in Budapest, Hungary in Europe.
Some languages I speak are Spanish, Hungarian, and English. I have family members in many places around the world like Hungary, Colombia, Spain, Poland, Ukraine, Canada, Australia, United States, and Indonesia. I love travelling and have traveled a lot in my life.

My favorite sports are soccer and martial arts. My favorites things to eat are steak, kebab, and hamburgers. I like to listen to all kinds of music. Three words that describe me are: smart, brave, and athletic.

Some of my favorite memories from this year were Summer break, and holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Something Moroccans should know about America is that it is a very diverse country and there are are people from all over the world here. I am interested in knowing what traditions, foods, sports, and hobbies Moroccans have.

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