Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Azilal English Presentation for the End of First Semester

Before the holidays the Azilal students put on a presentation completely in English for their community. It was so much fun and the students did an amazing job. Can you imagine memorizing lines in your second language? For most of the students, English is their 3rd or 4th language!

Asmae introduced the whole show.

Some sketches were serious, like this one about the mistreatment of housekeepers.

Some were very funny, like this sketch about a French man learning how to speak English.

 Another funny sketch was this one about a married couple arguing.

Some students gave speeches. These girls gave a beautiful presentation about Azilal.

This speech was about the dangers of smoking.

And of course there was music! These girls treated us to a song. 

There were many more lovely presentations over the 2 hours of the show and I wish I could share them all with you. Good job, Access students! Thank you for all your hard work. 

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